Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hello 2016

I'm extremely happy that is a new year for a variety of reasons. Mostly because 2015 was one of the hardest years of my life. A lot of the first part of the year was focused on my recovery from the seizures I had had in 2014 as well as playing the ever so fun game of medicine roulette to find meds that work.

The second half of the year was better. I still don't have the stamina I did, but I've been working on getting stronger. Dragon Con was great and I am really happy that Emily is now a Girl Scout.

But I'm trying to focus on being more positive and being healthier. Yesterday, we joined the Y after talking about it for a long time. I'm excited because the Y has a pool so I can swim which is my favorite form of exercise.

I don't really like resolutions, because they tend to become broken quite quickly. My resolution last year was not to go to the hospital, and I ended up in the ER a few weeks after the year began.

My goals for this year are basically to write more. I want to start writing short stories and submitting them to anthologies and whatnot. I want to finish my first novel so I can start querying for an agent as well as writing more novels. I also hope to be blogging here more.

2016 feels happier and brighter already. Hopefully this year will be a good one!

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